

T Panaïotis, A Poteau, É Diamond Riquier, C Catalano, L Courchet, S Motreuil, L Coppola, M Picheral and JO Irisson. Temporal evolution of plankton and particles distribution across a mesoscale front during the spring bloom. Limnology and Oceanography. 10.1002/lno.12566

M Laget, L Drago, T Panaïotis, R Kiko, L Stemmann, A Rogge, N Llopis-Monferrer, A Leynaert, JO Irisson and T Biard. Global census of the significance of giant mesopelagic protists to the marine carbon and silicon cycles. Nature Communications 15: 3341. 10.1038/s41467-024-47651-4

M Dugenne, M Corrales-Ugalde, JY Luo, R Kiko, TD O’Brien, JO Irisson, F Lombard, L Stemmann, C Stock, CR Anderson, M Babin, N Bhairy, S Bonnet, F Carlotti, A Cornils, ET Crockford, P Daniel, C Desnos, L Drago, A Elineau, A Fischer, N Grandrémy, PL Grondin, L Guidi, C Guieu, H Hauss, K Hayashi, JA Huggett, L Jalabert, L Karp-Boss, KM Kenitz, RM Kudela, M Lescot, C Marec, A McDonnell, Z Mériguet, B Niehoff, M Noyon, T Panaïotis, E Peacock, M Picheral, E Riquier, C Roesler, JB Romagnan, HM Sosik, G Spencer, J Taucher, C Tilliette and M Vilain. First release of the Pelagic Size Structure database: global datasets of marine size spectra obtained from plankton imaging devices, Earth System Science Data, 16, 2971–2999, 10.5194/essd-16-2971-2024

T Panaïotis, E Amblard, G Boniface-Chang, G Dulac-Arnold, T Biard, B Blanc, L Caray–Counil, C Desnos, A Elineau, L Jalabert, R Kiko, F Lombard, M Picheral, JB Romagnan, L Stemmann and JO Irisson. Classification benchmark for several large plankton images datasets: Convolutional Neural Networks improve detection of rare taxa. Submitted to Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.

T Panaïotis, J Wilson and BB Cael. A machine learning-based dissolved organic carbon climatology. Submitted to Limnology and Oceanography: Letters.

T Panaïotis, T Biard, L Caray–Counil, R Faillettaz, J Luo, CM Guigand, RK Cowen and JO Irisson. High throughput in situ imaging reveals complex ecological behaviour of giant mixotrophic protists. Written as thesis chapter #6, to be submitted to PNAS.


T Panaïotis, M Babin, T Biard, F Carlotti, L Coppola, L Guidi, H Hauss, L Karp-Boss, R Kiko, F Lombard, AMP McDonnell, M Picheral, A Rogge, AM Waite, L Stemmann and JO Irisson (2023). Three major mesoplanktonic communities resolved by in situ imaging in the upper 500 m of the global ocean. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 10.1111/geb.13741


T Panaïotis, L Caray–Counil, B Woodward, MS Schmid, D Daprano, ST Tsai, CM Sullivan, RK Cowen and J-O Irisson (2022). Content-Aware Segmentation of Objects Spanning a Large Size Range: Application to Plankton Images. Frontiers in Marine Science 9. 10.3389/fmars.2022.870005

L Drago, T Panaïotis, JO Irisson, M Babin, T Biard, F Carlotti, L Coppola, L Guidi, H Hauss, L Karp-Boss, F Lombard, AMP McDonnell, M Picheral, A Rogge, AM Waite, L Stemmann and R Kiko (2022). Global Distribution of Zooplankton Biomass Estimated by In Situ Imaging and Machine Learning. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. 10.3389/fmars.2022.894372

AT Greer, MS Schmid, PI Duffy, KL Robinson, MA Genung, JY Luo, T Panaïotis, C Briseño-Avena, ME Frischer, S Sponaugle and RK Cowen (2022). In situ imaging across ecosystems to resolve the fine-scale oceanographic drivers of a globally significant planktonic grazer. Limnology and Oceanography, 68, 192-207. 10.1002/lno.12259


A Guez, T Panaïotis, H Peyre and F Ramus (2018). Predictors of the IQ-achievement gap in France: A longitudinal analysis. Intelligence, 69: 104-116. 10.1016/j.intell.2018.05.008

Conference talks


T Panaïotis, M Freilich, JO Irisson and BB Cael (2024). A closer look at plankton: centimetre-scale interactions revealed in situ. Challenger Society Conference (Oban, Scotland). Slides


T Panaïotis, T Biard, L Caray–Counil, R Faillettaz, J Luo, CM Guigand, RK Cowen and JO Irisson (2023). High throughput in situ imaging reveals complex ecological behaviour of giant mixotrophic protists. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting (Palma de Majorque, Spain). Slides

T Panaïotis, A Poteau, É Diamond Riquier, C Catalano, L Courchet, S Motreuil, L Coppola, M Picheral and JO Irisson (2023). Temporal evolution of plankton and particles distribution across a mesoscale front during the spring bloom. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting (Palma de Majorque, Spain). Presented by JO Irisson. Slides


T Panaïotis, L Caray–Counil, B Woodward, S Schmid, D Daprano, ST Tsai, CM Sullivan, RK Cowen and JO Irisson (2022). Content-Aware Segmentation of Objects Spanning a Large Size Range: Application to Plankton Images. ICES Annual Science Conference (Dublin, Ireland). Slides

T Panaïotis, L Caray-Counil, R Faillettaz, JY Luo, CM Guigand, RK Cowen and JO Irisson (2022). Meter-Scale Plankton Distribution across a Mesoscale Front. Ocean Sciences Meeting (Virtual Meeting). Slides


T Panaïotis, G Boniface-Chang, G Dulac-Arnold, B Woodward and JO Irisson (2021). Benchmark of Image Classification Using Several Large Plankton Datasets: Convolutional Neural Networks Improve Detection of Rare Taxa. Aquatic Sciences Meeting (Virtual Meeting). Slides


T Panaïotis, M Babin, T Biard, F Carlotti, L Coppola, L Guidi, H Hauss, L Karp-Boss, R Kiko, F Lombard, A MP McDonnell, M Picheral, A Rogge, A M Waite, L Stemmann and JO Irisson (2020). Typology of Plankton Communities Seen by In Situ Imaging, from the Epi to the Mesopelagic Layers of the Global Ocean. Ocean Sciences Meeting (San Diego, USA). Slides

Seminars & Workshops


T Panaïotis and BB Cael (2024). Machine Learning for feature detection: linking zooplankton diversity and particulate organic carbon. CALIPSO annual meeting (Norwich, UK). Slides

T Panaïotis, J Wilson and BB Cael. A Machine Learning based Climatology of Dissolved Organic Carbon. Machine Learning for Earth Observation Workshop (Exeter, UK). Poster


T Panaïotis, L Caray–Counil, B Woodward, MS Schmid, D Daprano, ST Tsai, CM Sullivan, RK Cowen, and JO Irisson (2022). Content-Aware Segmentation of Objects Spanning a Large Size Range: Application to Plankton Images. ImaginEcology2 (Lyon, France).

T Panaïotis, A Poteau, E Riquier, M Picheral, C Catalano, L Coppola and JO Irisson (2022). Fine-scale plankton distribution across the Ligurian Front from glider and UVP6. UVP users meeting (Villefranche-sur-Mer, France). Slides

T Panaïotis, B Woodward, L Caray-Counil and JO Irisson (2022). Extraction d’informations écologiques à partir de gros volumes de données d’imagerie quantitative. Journée Bio-informatique, BioGenOuest (Virtual Meeting). Présenté par JO Irisson.

T Panaïotis, L Caray-Counil, R Faillettaz, JY Luo, CM Guigand, RK Cowen and JO Irisson (2022). Meter-Scale Plankton Distribution across a Mesoscale Front. FORMAL Winter Webinars (Virtual Meeting).


T Panaïotis (2021). CNN for classification and segmentation of grayscale plankton images. ISCD-FORMAL Marine Big Data (Virtual Meeting).


T Panaïotis and L Vilgrain (2020). Plankton Imaging Data. ISCD-FORMAL Marine Big Data (Virtual Meeting).


PhD Thesis | Plankton distribution across scales: contribution from artificial intelligence to plankton ecology | Supervised by Dr Jean-Olivier Irisson | Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche. Manuscript

Master’s intership | Typology of plankton communities seen by in situ imaging | Supervised by Dr Jean-Olivier Irisson and Pr Lars Stemmann | Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche. Report (French)

Master’s intership | Dynamics of fish schooling behaviour in relation to predator abundance | Supervised by Prof Jessica Meeuwig, Dr Phil Bouchet and Dr Shanta Barley | Centre for Marine Futures, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. Report

Master’s intership | Effect of priority education facilities on the IQ-achievement gap | Supervised by Franck Ramus and Hugo Peyre | Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique, École Normale Supérieure. Report (French)