About me

I completed my PhD in 2023 at the Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV) in south of France. The core of my work is to develop and apply machine learning tools to study large (plankton) datasets.

Overall, I like applying computational tools to solve practical problems, and not only in my professional life. I really enjoy coding, thinking about how to turn a problem around so that it can be solved with numerical tools, and learning new numerical skills!

Outside of the work place, I enjoy a wide range of sporting activities. I mainly ride my road bike (long live bike commuting, even in Southampton), I also regularly do weight training and a little less regularly run. I’ve also recently taken up triathlon, but I have to say that swimming isn’t my strong point, so at least that leaves me plenty of room for improvement! Here is a map of my outdoor activities so far.

I also practiced roller derby for 3 years, first with the Western Australia Roller Derby, in Perth, and then in Nice with the Nice Roller Derby.

Before that, I was a scuba diver for 18 years (I started when I was 7), and I also did some freediving, which I plan to take up again one day.