Glider + UVP6

Plankton and particles distribution across a mesoscale front during the spring bloom, seen from a glider and a UVP6.
data analysis
paper with code

Thelma Panaïotis


July 12, 2023

This is the code supporting my paper on plankton and particle distribution across the Ligurian front during the spring bloom.

T Panaïotis, A Poteau, É Diamond Riquier, C Catalano, L Courchet, S Motreuil, L Coppola, M Picheral and JO Irisson. Temporal evolution of plankton and particles distribution across a mesoscale front during the spring bloom. Submitted to Limnology and Oceanography, in press.

The code consists of data extraction and assemblage, a few steps of data processing/cleaning, some nice transect visualisations and finally multivariate analyses.